Category: decisions
Take off the blinders
Sometimes there are situations in life that need changing, and that is obvious. It is even obvious where everything went downhill. But, where so many go wrong is having all of the pieces before them and still not seeing how they all go together. I have always wondered why some people can’t see, even when…
The Effort of a Champion
I have been thinking a lot lately about what is the difference between someone who ‘makes it’ and some one who doesn’t. There are many differences on a superficial level. Some may even say it is the difference between those who want it enough and those who just want. I’m not sure that is fair.…
Hello 30’s
Today I wake up 30-years-old. Not too long ago I professed that I wasn’t going to turn 30 easily. As my birthday came closer, I resolved that there was nothing left to do in my 20’s. So many people have told me repeatedly that the 30’s is the best decade. I was told that the…