Category: hope

  • Depths Of My Heart

    Working on the computer, listing to music, Indescribable (Chris Tomlin) began to stream through the speakers. It is a familiar song and often plays with little attention from me, but not today. Today my heart listened to the words as though I had never heard them before. “You see the depths of my heart and…

  • The Effort of a Champion

    I have been thinking a lot lately about what is the difference between someone who ‘makes it’ and some one who doesn’t. There are many differences on a superficial level. Some may even say it is the difference between those who want it enough and those who just want. I’m not sure that is fair.…

  • New Hope

    Last years headlines were stricken with loss and doubt and worry, yet we made it. We survived doom and gloom to find ourselves turning over a new year offering a new hope. Presented with a clean slate for a fresh start, we truck on in the quest of the American dream, but what is easily…